Structured Cabling

Your Trusted Partner for Reliable Network Infrastructure

The Importance of Data Cabling

In today’s digital age, a robust network infrastructure is the lifeblood of any business or organisation. At Black Glass Communications, we understand the critical role structured cabling plays in ensuring seamless connectivity and data transfer.

Implementing Structured Cabling

Our experienced team takes a meticulous approach to implementing data cabling solutions. We’re here to simplify the process for you.

Icon of a link representing seamless connectivity and uninterrupted communication.


Our cabling solutions provide a reliable foundation for your network, ensuring uninterrupted communication.

Icon of a gold medal representing industry-standard compliance and guaranteeing the highest quality and performance.

Industry-Standard Compliance

We adhere to industry standards for every project, guaranteeing the highest quality and performance.

Icon of a hand with thumbs up representing routine testing of fibre optic cabling and site visits to ensuring there is optimal performance and reliability.

No Obligation

With years of industry experience our team will establish all the details required and provide a free quotation.

Our Structured Cabling Services

Icon of a tool representing the installation of structured cabling.


From planning to execution, we handle every aspect of structured cabling installation.

Icon of tools representing fibre optic cabling repairs and troubleshooting problems.


Ensure your network stays in top shape with our proactive maintenance services.

Icon of a rocket representing range extenders to extend wifi coverage to every corner of a premises and data communication.


As technology evolves, we can upgrade your network to keep you ahead of the curve.

Where We Serve

We proudly serve the South West of England and South Wales, offering years of structured cabling knowledge.

Over the years, we have had the privilege of working with many businesses and institutions across the two regions, including schools, offices, new builds, care homes, and more. However, if you are further afield and would like to see if we can help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Success Stories

Our completed projects speak volumes about our commitment to excellence. Explore our case studies to see how we’ve empowered businesses and institutions like yours.

Image of a logo for a company that specialise in installations in the brewing industry in South Wales. Used for a case study of fibre optic in South Wales.

SF Electrical – Magor Brewery

South Wales
Image of a logo for a secondary school in Bristol, used for a case study of school fibre optic client in Bristol.

St. Bernadettes School

Image of a logo for a Zoo in Bristol for case study of a commercial structured cabling client in Bristol.

Bristol Zoo Project


Regency Laundry

Image of a logo for a Secondary School in Midsomer Norton, for a case study of a commercial structured cabling client in Somerset.

Norton Hill School

Midsomer Norton
Image of a logo for a Golf Club in Bristol with views over to South Wales, for a case study of a commercial structured cabling client in Bristol.

Bristol Golf Club


What Our Clients Say

Our clients’ testimonials reflect the impact of our structured cabling solutions. Discover why they trust Black Glass Communications for their data communication needs.

Ready to Strengthen Your Network's Backbone?

Contact us today for a free quote to get started.